What is Check-in Express
The Check-In Express system is a low-cost method to automate and streamline your rental car check-in process. By utilizing your location’s exiting WiFi system, Check-in Express can instantly transmit important information about the rental vehicle upon it’s return to the lot.
When the vehicle arrives, Check-in Express automatically transmits Information such as distance driven, fuel used, fuel gauge level, vehicle malfunctions and more to streamline the entire check-in process.
Check-in Express is both easy to manage, and simple to install and provides real value to both you and your customers.
Easy to Install
Each rental car is equipped with a Check-in Express module that requires no tools to install and can be easily moved from vehicle to vehicle.
- Can Be Moved Form Vehicle To Vehicle
- Works with All OBDII vehicles using CAN
- Requires no external power source. A single connection to the OBD Port is all that is required
Easy to Deploy
Data is transmitted via WiFi using your exiting infrastructure. This means is Check-in Express is both economical and easy to deploy.
- Data Is Automatically Transmitted As The Vehicle Is Returned
- Uses Your Existing Wifi Infrastructure
Instantly Available
The Data can be instantly shared across multiple network connected devices and Internet connected resources from smart phones and tablet computers to mobile laptops and off-site services.
- Share Data Across Multiple Devices
- Connect To Third-Party Services
- Instant Data Availability
Want to Learn More?
To learn more about Check-in Express visit our booth at an upcoming trade show or fill out the form to the right and a representative will contact you shortly.
See us at the Car Rental Show
Learn more about how Check-in Express can help you streamline your check-in process. We’ll be at the 2015 Car Rental Show. We’ll be at Booth #215
American Car Rental Association
Check-in Express and Linear Logic are proud members and supporters of the American Car Rental Association.
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